We are glad you are considering enrolling your child at Children’s Discovery Academy! Our mission is to provide quality, affordable childcare while fostering a positive community relationship.
The process for enrolling a child at Children’s Discovery Academy is:
*Fill out the waiting list form. Once a spot is available for one or all of your children, the Center Director will contact you to schedule a tour and enrollment appointment. Plan on 30 minutes for a tour, and approximately an hour for the enrollment.
*Fill out an enrollment application and pay the $50 application fee to hold your spot for one week. Application fees are assessed per family, not per child, and are non-refundable.
*At the Enrollment Appointment, bring:
*All emergency contact information- names and phone numbers of your child’s guardians, doctor, and emergency contacts.
*A printout from your child’s most recent medical checkup, and a copy of their immunization record or an immunization waiver from the Health Department.
*Be able to complete income information for food program paperwork. If your child has any food allergies or sensitivities, please have documentation from their doctor. If your child is under one year old, we will need to know if you will be supplying breastmilk or formula, or if you would like us to supply ready-to-feed formula through our food program.
*Once all enrollment paperwork is completed and submitted to the Center Director, your child may begin attending the following week.
See the CDA waitlist link above for enrollment informaiton
About our center:
*Classrooms available-
Explorers- children aged 0-18 months
Investigators- children aged 18 months- 3 years
Innovators- children aged 3-5 years
Pathfinders- wrap-around school care for children aged 6-13.
*Days and hours of operation-
5:30 am to 7:30 pm, Monday-Friday.
Closed for the following holidays- New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (and the day following), and Christmas Day.
Tuition is enrollment-based and is a weekly rate, paid before attendance each Monday.
Tuition varies by the classroom and if the child needs extended care- before 6 am or after 6 pm.
*Program Benefits
Whether you are looking for a safe place for your child while you work, or quality early childhood education to help your child prepare for Kindergarten, or somewhere for your school-aged child to play and do homework after school, we have a program for you!
All classrooms offer a variety of engaging activities daily that cover the developmental areas of language, literacy, math, science, art, sensory, social, emotional, physical, music, and more.
Each classroom has a daily routine that includes free exploring, small and large group learning, outdoor play, classroom jobs, meal and snack times, rest time, targeted learning, and more.
*Parent-Provided Materials
CDA is an inclusive educational program. Parents are asked to provide some essential items for their child-
For infants- parents are asked to provide enough breastmilk or prepared formula for the child’s day.
For infants and toddlers- parents are asked to provide enough diapers, wipes, and creams for their child while in care.
For all children- parents are asked to provide one snack to share each month and extra clothes for their child.